We Can Support you and your projects.
PWW utilizes a suite of publication tools and platforms to support your projects. We will work with you to determine which tools and platforms best meet your publication goals and requirements.
The overall mission of AFRO PWW2 is to incorporate digital technology into the production and dissemination of scholarship on the African Diaspora. Our online publications through IOPN ensure that your research reaches the broadest possible audience. Educational objectives of this Mellon-funded project are achieved through the facilitation of three fully online learning opportunities–Free of Charge.
In addition to short introductory webinar videos introducing the model for AFRO PWW2 digital publishing, the project has two hands-on educational tracks for professional development–Publications Only Workshops and DSDA (Digital Scholarship for the Digital Age) Institute. These courses of study are open to scholars in African American Studies at historically Black colleges and universities, and among them, higher education professionals, community specialists, and citizens interested in the Black experience, to expand their use of digital tools in their educational activities.
1. Introduction to (AFRO PWW 2) Digital Publishing Webinar The course management system (Moodle) includes links to four introductory videos and access to the IOPN Publications Sandbox–a place to practice your project design prior to entering the Publications Only Production Site. Participants are provided instructions in both written and recorded formats for creating projects in the Pressbooks, Scalar, Omeka, and OJS platforms. Additional resources, such as links to presentations by accomplished digital publishing scholars, the opportunity to request a one-on-one consultation, and assignments to ensure progress should you decide to continue toward the creation of your own digital publication.
2. Publications-Only Workshops The “Pub Only” workshop is a hands-on learning experience designed for an individual to produce at least one publication. Workshop participants with projects in various levels of production and different levels of experience are accepted. The workshops incorporate “How To Videos” and an online course manual developed by experienced digital publishing specialists that guide participants through the production process for participants’ specific platforms. The Production Team is available for weekly consultations. A FAQ discussion forum in Moodle provides solutions to common problems experienced by participants. Uncommon problems will be discussed at a recorded individual Zoom consultation. The workshop will help participants develop skills fundamental to the creation of a digital online publication.
3. Developing Scholarship for the Digital Age (DSDA) – A Digital Publishing Virtual Institute This is an eight-week, hands-on class structured as an online asynchronous workshop with eight modules and weekly synchronous meetings. The participants will meet as a hybrid class once a week, complete assignments, and have online group discussions. During the eight-week period, participants will complete exercises in all four digital platforms and develop a design and storyboard for publications publishable on two platforms. Participants wishing to set up a digital publishing project at their own institutions will also design and deliver/teach a module on the platform of their choice. Upon completing the DSDA course, participants are eligible for the “Pub Only Workshop.”
PWW utilizes a suite of publication tools and platforms to support your projects. We will work with you to determine which tools and platforms best meet your publication goals and requirements.
The overall mission of AFRO PWW2 is to incorporate digital technology into the production and dissemination of scholarship on the African Diaspora. Our online publications through IOPN ensure that your research reaches the broadest possible audience. Educational objectives of this Mellon-funded project are achieved through the facilitation of three fully online learning opportunities–Free of Charge.
In addition to short introductory webinar videos introducing the model for AFRO PWW2 digital publishing, the project has two hands-on educational tracks for professional development–Publications Only Workshops and DSDA (Digital Scholarship for the Digital Age) Institute. These courses of study are open to scholars in African American Studies at historically Black colleges and universities, and among them, higher education professionals, community specialists, and citizens interested in the Black experience, to expand their use of digital tools in their educational activities.
1. Introduction to (AFRO PWW 2) Digital Publishing Webinar The course management system (Moodle) includes links to four introductory videos and access to the IOPN Publications Sandbox–a place to practice your project design prior to entering the Publications Only Production Site. Participants are provided instructions in both written and recorded formats for creating projects in the Pressbooks, Scalar, Omeka, and OJS platforms. Additional resources, such as links to presentations by accomplished digital publishing scholars, the opportunity to request a one-on-one consultation, and assignments to ensure progress should you decide to continue toward the creation of your own digital publication.
2. Publications-Only Workshops The “Pub Only” workshop is a hands-on learning experience designed for an individual to produce at least one publication. Workshop participants with projects in various levels of production and different levels of experience are accepted. The workshops incorporate “How To Videos” and an online course manual developed by experienced digital publishing specialists that guide participants through the production process for participants’ specific platforms. The Production Team is available for weekly consultations. A FAQ discussion forum in Moodle provides solutions to common problems experienced by participants. Uncommon problems will be discussed at a recorded individual Zoom consultation. The workshop will help participants develop skills fundamental to the creation of a digital online publication.
3. Developing Scholarship for the Digital Age (DSDA) – A Digital Publishing Virtual Institute This is an eight-week, hands-on class structured as an online asynchronous workshop with eight modules and weekly synchronous meetings. The participants will meet as a hybrid class once a week, complete assignments, and have online group discussions. During the eight-week period, participants will complete exercises in all four digital platforms and develop a design and storyboard for publications publishable on two platforms. Participants wishing to set up a digital publishing project at their own institutions will also design and deliver/teach a module on the platform of their choice. Upon completing the DSDA course, participants are eligible for the “Pub Only Workshop.”
PWW utilizes a suite of publication tools and platforms to support your projects. We will work with you to determine which tools and platforms best meet your publication goals and requirements.
The overall mission of AFRO PWW2 is to incorporate digital technology into the production and dissemination of scholarship on the African Diaspora. Our online publications through IOPN ensure that your research reaches the broadest possible audience. Educational objectives of this Mellon-funded project are achieved through the facilitation of three fully online learning opportunities–Free of Charge.
In addition to short introductory webinar videos introducing the model for AFRO PWW2 digital publishing, the project has two hands-on educational tracks for professional development–Publications Only Workshops and DSDA (Digital Scholarship for the Digital Age) Institute. These courses of study are open to scholars in African American Studies at historically Black colleges and universities, and among them, higher education professionals, community specialists, and citizens interested in the Black experience, to expand their use of digital tools in their educational activities.
1. Introduction to (AFRO PWW 2) Digital Publishing Webinar The course management system (Moodle) includes links to four introductory videos and access to the IOPN Publications Sandbox–a place to practice your project design prior to entering the Publications Only Production Site. Participants are provided instructions in both written and recorded formats for creating projects in the Pressbooks, Scalar, Omeka, and OJS platforms. Additional resources, such as links to presentations by accomplished digital publishing scholars, the opportunity to request a one-on-one consultation, and assignments to ensure progress should you decide to continue toward the creation of your own digital publication.
2. Publications-Only Workshops The “Pub Only” workshop is a hands-on learning experience designed for an individual to produce at least one publication. Workshop participants with projects in various levels of production and different levels of experience are accepted. The workshops incorporate “How To Videos” and an online course manual developed by experienced digital publishing specialists that guide participants through the production process for participants’ specific platforms. The Production Team is available for weekly consultations. A FAQ discussion forum in Moodle provides solutions to common problems experienced by participants. Uncommon problems will be discussed at a recorded individual Zoom consultation. The workshop will help participants develop skills fundamental to the creation of a digital online publication.
3. Developing Scholarship for the Digital Age (DSDA) – A Digital Publishing Virtual Institute This is an eight-week, hands-on class structured as an online asynchronous workshop with eight modules and weekly synchronous meetings. The participants will meet as a hybrid class once a week, complete assignments, and have online group discussions. During the eight-week period, participants will complete exercises in all four digital platforms and develop a design and storyboard for publications publishable on two platforms. Participants wishing to set up a digital publishing project at their own institutions will also design and deliver/teach a module on the platform of their choice. Upon completing the DSDA course, participants are eligible for the “Pub Only Workshop.”
PWW utilizes a suite of publication tools and platforms to support your projects. We will work with you to determine which tools and platforms best meet your publication goals and requirements.
© 2023 Department of African American Studies
Webmasters: Charlotte R Cox – Simran Shah – Nishita Kandikuppa